WASHINGTON (April 25, 2023) – President Joe Biden announced today that he will seek reelection in 2024.
Manish Bapna, president of the NRDC Action Fund, made the following statement:
“President Joe Biden has restored U.S. climate leadership at home and abroad. He has led the strongest climate action in U.S. history, with strategic investment that’s driving a heartland manufacturing renaissance with clean energy at its core. It’s strengthening the domestic supply chain for the building blocks of a modern economy. It’s boosting innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. It’s creating jobs in red states and blue.
“There’s critical yet unfinished business ahead. We’ll keep pushing to ensure the administration can finish the job on its ambitious climate agenda to clean up carbon pollution from our power plants, cars, and trucks. We’ll press for a more just and equitable future where the benefits of clean energy are delivered at scale to low-income communities and people of color. And we’ll insist on greater urgency and ambition in U.S. climate assistance for the world’s most vulnerable countries.”
Photo: Susan Walsh/Associated Press