Week 11: Trump Throws Chump Change at the National Parks He’s Defunding
. . . And lets car companies like Volkswagen police themselves on emissions testing. Trust Falls with Trump We all knew President Trump’s proposal to cut the U…
Week 10: Trump’s Climate Denial Hits the Fan
Trump orders the EPA to roll back the Clean Power Plan, but he’s got a long fight ahead of him. Climate Change Denial’s Day in Court President Trump on Tuesday…
Week 9: KXL Gets Approved, and the Climate Debate in the White House Gets Heated
As Trump mulls over whether to combat climate change (or continue to deny that it’s happening), his team fights with itself. Another Twist in the Pipeline The …
Week 8: Trump Jeopardizes the Auto Industry—and Federal Government Jobs
As dirtier cars hit the streets, the president’s fuel efficiency rollbacks and budget proposal will have thousands pounding the pavement. The Budget Drops Afte…
Week 7: If We Stop Collecting Data, Will Climate Change Just Go Away?
In his seventh week in office, President Trump decides we should stop measuring things. Henhouse, meet foxes. EPA administrator Scott Pruitt renewed his scienc…
Week 6: Trump Wants You to Be Afraid of Everything—Except Climate Change
In his sixth week in office, the president ignores the national security threat as well as the real cause of the coal industry’s downturn. Climate Change Ignor…
Week 5: A Climate Denier Is Now in Charge of the EPA
Meet Scott Pruitt, the EPA’s cheerless new leader. Polluters hail Pruitt. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Scott Pruitt’s confirmation a week…
Week 4: Bribes, Lies, and Hypocrisy
President Trump and the Republican-led Congress steal from endangered species and give to oil companies. Senate Confirms Pruitt The Senate confirmed Oklahoma a…
Week 3: The Environment Strikes Back, with Lawsuits
Resistance grows as President Trump and the GOP continue to cozy up with the fossil fuel industry. Missing E-mails, Part 2 The office of Oklahoma attorney gene…
Week 2: Trump Doesn’t Play by the Rules—or Seem to Understand Them
The president continued attacking environmental laws, and Senate Republicans suspended committee rules to advance his climate-denying EPA pick. No Vote for You…
Trump’s First Week in the White House Was a Disaster
The president got off to a rip-roaring start, ripping up environmental protections and roaring falsehoods to anyone who would listen. A Mission Long Since Acco…