On November 4, President Trump will formally withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. That short-sighted move could be a short-term departure from …
Pennsylvania is one of the country’s fastest-growing markets for clean energy. It employed some 94,000 people in the state before the pandemic hit, with more t…
Ignoring massive toxic spills and years of research, Trump pretends unlined coal ash ponds are safe. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced t…
Clean Water Act prosecutions dropped 70 percent and Clean Air Act prosecutions dropped 50 percent, compared to those during the Obama years. The Trump administ…
Climate change is rapidly shrinking the habitat of this iconic and dwindling North American species, but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has apparently forg…
In Washington, Senator Cory Gardner votes with Donald Trump and against the environment an astounding 90 percent of the time. But when he’s running for office …