Rush to Confirm a Justice Silences Voters’ Voices
Days after the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are already eager to rush throu…
Trump Recommends a Climate Change Minimizer as NOAA Chief Scientist
Ryan Maue, a self-described “lukewarmist,” is the second climate contrarian headed to NOAA within a month. The count is now at two for climate contrarians head…
Biden Understands Climate-Fueled Wildfires Are a Human Tragedy
Seldom is the choice between presidential candidates spelled out more clearly than it was on Monday. With wildfires torching more than five million acres from …
EPA Cancels Environmental Justice Discussions, as Trump Suggests They Are “Anti-American”
No, polluting low-income neighborhoods and communities of color is simply wrong and racist—and it’s high time government agencies started addressing it. The U.…
A Climate Change Denier at NOAA
Trump appoints David Legates, a climatologist who couldn’t hack it at the Delaware state government, to a leadership position at our country’s leading climate …
Donald Trump Declares Himself One of History’s Greatest Environmentalists and Saves Florida from His Own Offshore Drilling Plan.
And he did it all with a straight face. President Trump has given one of the most extraordinary speeches of his (or perhaps any) administration, telling voters…
Trump Gives Coal Plants a Pass on Toxic Wastewater, While Ignoring Public Health Consequences
Trump’s big favor to coal results in lax controls for arsenic, mercury, and selenium dumped into U.S. waterways. The Trump administration has weakened standard…
Trump Tells U.S. Forest Service to Get Out of the Way of Oil Drills
Proposal would undermine the Forest Service’s ability to protect forests. The Trump administration wants to make it easier—much easier—for oil and gas companie…
Trump Blames Clean Energy to Distract from His Failings
We must speed up the just and equitable shift we need away from burning coal, gas, and oil and toward cleaner ways to power our future. In the face of his epic…
Critically Endangered Whales Fall Victim to Trump’s Interference in Science
The administration’s political considerations around expanding offshore drilling threaten the survival of the North Atlantic right whale. The Trump administrat…
The RNC Eschews a New Platform—and Recycles Its 2016 Climate Change Denial
Why make up a new set of climate denials when you’ve already rejected science so categorically already? The Republican Party has made the extraordinary decisio…
Trump Invites Oil Drills into the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The move threatens 60 years of legal protections for this near-pristine land in our country’s far north. The Trump administration has finalized its plan to bri…
Trump Tells Oil and Gas Companies They Can Stop Curbing Methane Emissions
The rollback undoes a historic 2016 rule to control one of the worst greenhouse gases. The Trump administration has relieved fossil fuel companies of their leg…
Trump Proposes Redefining Showerhead So He Can Waste Water
Apparently, his royal locks demand more than 2.5 gallons of water per minute. The U.S. Department of Energy is changing the definition of showerhead so that Pr…
Kamala Harris for Vice President!
The U.S. senator from California is serious about climate action, passionate about racial justice, and tough on environmental crime. By selecting Senator Kamal…
What’s Up with This Year’s Virtual Democratic National Convention?
Everything’s on the line. Here’s what you need to know to tune in as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make their case for a stronger, more just America. This year’s…
Trump Quietly Offers Another Handout to the Oil Industry
The federal government was already undercharging for oil and gas taken from federal lands. Trump wants to ask the industry for even less. The Trump administrat…
Trump Refuses to Free the Lower Snake River of Its Dams—Ignoring Science, Tribes, and Starving Orcas
The Trump administration admits that removing the four dams would give endangered salmon their best chance against extinction, feed imperiled whales, and help …
Biden’s Plan Is More than a Climate Plan
Joe Biden has provided a road map to an economically, environmentally, and morally superior future. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden relea…
Trump’s EPA Won’t Stop Uranium Miners from Contaminating Water
Toxic radioactive heavy metals and chemicals from uranium mines put drinking water off-limits for generations—and in places where there is no water to spare Wh…